My eBook

What is an eBook? An eBook is an electronic book that can be read on the computer. Having students create eBooks is a great way for them to become familiar with technology and be able to bring it into the classroom and create learning objects. It is these learning objects and the process of making them that are effective ways to educate and teach students in the 21st century.

Additionally, teaching students with digital stories is a great way to foster their reliance on technology while also teaching them the importance of reading. For teachers, creating an eBook is a great way to connect both content knowledge and pedagogy with technology in an effective manner. A benefit of using eBooks is that they can be created in most grades and can become an asset to the classroom because they allow for creativity and ability to express information efficiently.

The eBook I have created is on my favourite football the Atlanta Falcons which I made by using the popular online presentation program called Prezi. It is a great resource for making interactive and engaging presentations (and this case eBooks) by being able to embed pictures, videos and much more.  Enjoy!  

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